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Writing has always
been a dream of mine.

Writing and publishing books for all ages has always been a dream of mine. It began 25 years ago after taking a survey course about children's literature. That started my love affair with writing and nurtured my dreams of becoming a published author.  


At that time, I was not yet a mother and I had very limited experience in the classroom yet I remember thinking where are the books that have characters that look like me, my friends and family?  I knew that we needed opportunities to see more diverse characters telling their stories.

NEXT: Why I Write



Stung by the writing bug.

The writing bug followed me everywhere and everywhere I went, I found a story.  I wrote "Where I’m From" in 1997 but was unable to secure a publishing deal.  Discouraged, I continued to write but for pleasure only, pushing aside my dream to be published.  


Several things happened a few years ago that proved significant.  While cleaning out my files, I stumbled upon my writing file.  It was full of articles, manuscripts and the one rejection letter that I saved.  I decided that it was time to make a decision about this writing dream that was taunting me because of it’s incomplete status. 


I had the story written; now, I needed an illustrator.  

NEXT: Finding an Illustrator



Illustrator for children's books
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I committed to finding an illustrator, to finish a book, and to publish it.  I met with illustrator Jen Price Davis who read the "Where I’m From" manuscript. We discussed my  ideas for the characters and embarked on an amazing journey to bring this book to life.  


In "Where I'm From" the characters introduce themselves with a hometown factoid and something special about their heritage. When reading the story, one can’t help but feel a sense of pride about what makes them unique. Madhavi ends her story by asking the reader “Don’t you think I have the best of both worlds?”  

NEXT: Getting Published

The Final Step



I formed my own publishing company, BucketList Publishers, in 2018 as a vehicle to remind me that it is never too late to fulfill your dreams.  Creating the company allows me to self-publish my stories and encourage others to tell their stories too.  I published "Where I'm From" and later that same year I became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated and completed my second book "Go to School Tommy!" and, best of all, I saw my youngest child start his kindergarten year!  Following Tommy, I wrote and published "Sean and the Book Cures".  In 2022, I published a follow-on book to Sean, this one titled "Sean and the Book Cures the Great Sacrifice . . . Can You Spare a Kidney."  


I have other books waiting to be finished and I am so excited to share them with you! 



Loganberry Books Chante Thomas


I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and lived on East 177 Street from which I could hear the sounds of trains crossing nearby railroad tracks. I attended Emile B Desauze Elementary School, Gracemount Elementary, and Alexander Hamilton Jr. High School – all three of which are now closed.  I went to Beaumont School for Girls (it’s still here!) and graduated ready for college. 




Master of Arts -
Educational Leadership

and Administration, General



Master of Education -

Elementary Education

and Teaching



Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing

Bucketlist Publishers
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